Connecting the dots between people, communities, and health

We design health and wellness assessments that reflect how health is truly experienced – complex, interconnected, and deeply personal.

Authentic collaboration between healthcare teams and communities starts with tools that visualize how life impacts health – and how health shapes life. Unlike traditional tools that reduce and minimize for efficiency, we take a human-centered approach that honors the full scope of a person’s reality.

By representing the financial, spiritual, emotional, physical, and environmental factors that accumulate and intersect, our tools empower people to reflect, articulate, and advocate for their health and well-being.

When individuals and communities can see and express their world, we create the foundation for meaningful change and collective self-advocacy.

Unveiling the unseen factors impacting health


Feel seen, heard, and understood

  • Unlike traditional health care tools, we recognize that you are more than a list of clinical problems.

    Whether you're managing a chronic condition, expecting a child, battling addiction, or pursuing weight loss, our tools are designed to help you represent yourself and your situation in a way that is fair and balanced – visualizing not just your health issues, but also what you have overcome and achieved within your health journey.

Health care providers & coaches

Your intuition, supercharged

  • They say a picture says a thousand words. This clear, visual snapshot offers a window into your patients' lives and what they are facing – on both an individual and community level.

    With this visual you can also view how your patients’ health status and priorities evolve over time.

    Better yet, this visual is automatically distilled into a concise, readable report to support your documentaton requirements.

Organizations & policy groups

Uncover meaningful outcomes

  • Traditional assessments and outcomes measures are reductive and reactive. They simply are not designed for the way health care is delivered today, much less the complex needs of the patients receiving it.

    This tool is designed to capture the outcomes that matter most to patients – from their point of view. At a community and population level, this creates a powerful window into how health care resources and ecosystems are working for people they serve.

“This is a way that our patients can describe what they need rather than the other way around.”

— Nurse practitioner

“The more overwhelmed I feel, the more I struggle to communicate. This helps with that.”

— Patient testimonial

“Makes good use of our time together by making unwieldy topics visual & manageable.”

— Psychologist