Empowering communities through insight
Our tools are designed for clinics, organizations, universities, colleges, employers, and research groups – anyone who wants to get to know their people better. Some examples include:
Pregnancy and postpartum women and parents
Medical students
Underserved and minority populations
College students and young adults
Employee wellness programs
Primary care settings
Chronic illness or pain groups
Cancer patients and post-treatment care
Lifestyle and weight management programs
We enable people to visualize the big picture of what impacts their health and well-being within the context of their daily lives and communities. This not only provides a window into their status – whether they are overwhelmed, lonely, etc.– but also reveals a collective picture of the challenges and strengths these communities face.
For instance, you can uncover barriers such as childcare access, legal obstacles, and transportation issues, addressing social determinants of health in a way that is dignified and proactive.
We offer two options for leveraging our tools:
Autonomous use: As a research instrument to gather valuable insights.
Integrated within services: Leverage our tools within your service offerings in 1:1 or group settings, such as with advisors, coaches, healthcare providers, or counselors.
Engage your populations in a meaningful way, gaining insights that are co-created rather than one-sided.
Connect the dots between health and wellness investments and the outcomes that matter to the people you serve.
At Wellspot we are committed to helping mission-driven, people-centric organizations deepen their impact and better care for themselves and their communities.